Traveling With Our Ancestors Through Advent

Reconnecting With Our Spiritual Ancestors

Sunday, Nov 28 we begin Advent! This year, The Oceanside Sanctuary is inviting you to join us in reading through an excellent new Advent devotional called, Traveling With Our Ancestors by Disciples of Christ pastor, activist, and theologian Sandhya Jha, who writes in the in opening note:

This Advent devotional is designed to introduce or reconnect you with some spiritual ancestors who will give you a hug of encouragement or a nudge out of complacency. They know something about how to get ready for new life. I hope they can help you on the way.

We will start reading it on Nov 28th and will explore the theme through your Sunday teaching series. You can click here to order you copy on Amazon or pick up a copy at the church.

Join Our Advent Dialogue Group

We are also starting an in-person small group to discuss this devotional and teaching series that will last just 3-weeks. The Advent group will be hosted by Roy and Christina Inzunza in their home and will be a great opportunity to get to know each other! But space is limited to just 12 people total, so click here to RSVP for that group today!.