Uplifting women & femininity in our worship

Dear OSC family,

Our Sanctuary Band continues to grow and develop as a team of passionate and dedicated musicians. As a team, we have been studying, “The 6 Marks of Progressive Christian Worship Music” and focusing specifically on ways we can use inclusive language in our music. You may notice that we use various pronouns to refer to God and we have moved away from gendered words and phrases including “mankind” and “all men” in favor of more inclusive language.

We do this, first and foremost, because Jesus was radically inclusive in his ministry and found opportunities throughout his life to uplift women in ways that were unprecedented within ancient Jewish cultural traditions (John 4:7-26, John 4:27, John 8:10–11, Luke 7:12–13, Mark 5:34, and many more). In a male-centric society, Jesus showed the world that it is critical that we uplift and value women. Following Jesus, the Sanctuary Band is moving away from male-centric worship to show our dedication to an inclusive Church that values and honors women and recognizes femininity as divine and sacred.

In a male-centric society, Jesus showed the world that it is critical that we uplift and value women. Following Jesus, the Sanctuary Band seeks to move away from male-centric worship to show our dedication to an inclusive Church that values and honors women and recognizes femininity as divine and sacred.

I hope you will join us at church this Sunday for a particularly diverse and dynamic musical worship experience! We will start at 11:00 AM sharp with a spiritually nourishing and soulfully engaging song called, “Say Yes!” followed by a moving worship song called, “Communion.” We will also continue to learn “We Will Make it Through” in preparation for our celebrate of Trans Day of Awareness on November 21st when we will have a Sunday of Song in loving support of our Trans Community.


Joey Pearson

Music Minister