Pastor's Letters

Understanding the Sermon on the Mount For Today

Understanding the Sermon on the Mount For Today

For the past several weeks we have focused on exploring Jesus' central teachings in the “sermon on the mount,” found in Matthew chapters 5-7. This has been a broad overview intended to help us understand the big picture of Jesus’ core message. It turns out, Jesus’ sermon also helps answer two big questions many people are asking about Christianity today:

Share your practices & experiences this lent

Share your practices & experiences this lent

As I shared on Sunday, during Lent, we take forty days to commune with Jesus in his time of fasting in the desert. Lent is typically a time to abstain from vices like chocolate, media, video games, or alcohol. Giving up something can be a great way to keep Christ’s death and resurrection on our minds until Easter and bring richness to our year. However, with a finite amount of time in our day, sometimes adding a spiritual practice

New Year's News & Events at OSC

New Year's News & Events at OSC

We hope you have enjoyed a joyful Christmas and Happy New Year season. You have all made this a banner holiday season at OSC. Here are just a few highlights: Our pantry ministry hosted Thanksgiving for 25 food-insecure seniors; We also provided Christmas gifts for every child under 18 in the pantry program; OSC members sang Christmas carols at a local memory care; Over 185 people turned out for one of our biggest Christmas Eve services ever…

Youth & Kids Happenings at OSC!

Youth & Kids Happenings at OSC!

To kick-off Advent, join us on Sunday, December 3rd at 10am for a unique Sunday Gathering entitled, Advent’s Light: Celebrating Song, Story, and Community. All ages will enjoy singing, interactive storytelling, and community. Stick around after the service to sip hot cocoa, eat cookies, and a chance to make your own Advent wreath. We encourage individuals and families of all kinds to come together and embrace the spirit of the Advent season!

Preparing for the holiday season

Preparing for the holiday season

Whenever the Santa Ana's begin to blow, I find myself thinking about the winds of change and the movement of life. I can't believe we are already at the beginning of November and moving into our holiday season with Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas upon us. We hope you are enjoying our new series on Rejecting Burnout Culture and finding space to rest in this upcoming busy season. As we move into Thanksgiving and Advent, we look forward to…

All migrant services moving to San Diego

All migrant services moving to San Diego

After roughly a month of Border Protection dropping off legal asylum seekers at the Oceanside Transit Center and a Herculean effort by non-profits, everyday Oceanside residents, and churches to provide basic care, there is a new solution. As of today, because the County Supervisors approved $3 million dollars for relief, they will be consolidating all asylum seekers to one location in downtown San Diego, where more shelters and services are nearby. 

How you can help OSC's response the migrant crisis

How you can help OSC's response the migrant crisis

We want to update you on OSC’s involvement in the ongoing migrant crisis unfolding across San Diego County and how you can help with this urgent situation. Estimates are that over 7,000 asylum seekers have been dropped by Border Patrol at transit centers around the County over the past two weeks. On average, about 100 migrants are being dropped at the Oceanside Transit Center every day. This is likely to continue for several more weeks, if not months.